How to build a Serverless Alexa Skill

When I was a kid, I was intrigued by the Starship Enterprise’s onboard computer featured in the science fiction series Star Trek. Although cheeky at times in its portrayal of technologies beyond our imagination, the voice-controlled computer always made me wonder. And, here we are in the same lifetime, realizing similar technologies - inside our homes, on a small device… Amazing, I think! 🖖

Let’s build ourselves a custom skill for Alexa. Let me show you how.

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[Photo by Andres Urena on Unsplash]

In this post, we will build an Alexa skill to get meetup information. We will be using the Serverless Framework and the serverless-alexa-skills plugin.

We will cover:

  • Creating a project
  • Setting up the plugin
  • Creating an Alexa skill
  • Building the Interaction model
  • Creating Lambda functions for Intents
  • Building and deploying the skill
  • Testing the skill

We have quite a bit of ground to cover so let’s get started.

Create the project

To start off, let’s create a serverless project using the aws-nodejs template:

$ sls create -t aws-nodejs --name sls-meetup-alexa-skill -p sls-meetup-alexa-skill

Serverless: Generating boilerplate...
Serverless: Generating boilerplate in "/Users/wixmac/Projects/webapps/iot-project/sls-meetup-alexa-skill"
 _______                             __
|   _   .-----.----.--.--.-----.----|  .-----.-----.-----.
|   |___|  -__|   _|  |  |  -__|   _|  |  -__|__ --|__ --|
|____   |_____|__|  \___/|_____|__| |__|_____|_____|_____|
|   |   |             The Serverless Application Framework
|       |                 , v1.30.1

Serverless: Successfully generated boilerplate for template: "aws-nodejs"

Update 11/29/18: One of the readers ‘mitravinda MK’ reported that using the Serverless Framework v.1.33.0 did not work for him. It worked when he downgraded to v1.32.0. See comment below for details.

Add the Alexa skills plugin

Next, we will use the serverless-alexa-skills plugin by Masashi Terui. It enables us to manage Alexa skills via the Serverless Framework. That is big deal. Without the plugin, you would have to set up the Alexa skill manually using the Amazon Alexa Skill Developer console.

Let’s install the serverless-alexa-skills plugin by running:

$ sls plugin install -n serverless-alexa-skills

This will add the plugin to the plugins section of the serverless.yml file:

  - serverless-alexa-skills

Under the hood, the serverless-alexa-skills plugin uses the Alexa Skill Management API. To be able to use the API, we will need to set up credentials with Amazon and authenticate with Amazon.

Set up credentials

Login with Amazon is an OAuth2.0 single sign-on (SSO) system using your account.

Get your credentials, by logging into the Amazon Developer Console. Then, go to Login with Amazon from APPS & SERVICES menu, and then click on Create a New Security Profile. Then, go to Web Settings menu item to create a new security profile.

Leave the Allowed Origins empty. Enter http://localhost:9000 in Allowed Return URLs.

Write down your Client ID, Client Secret and the Vendor ID for the new security profile. You can find your Vendor ID as well. You can then set environment variables for each one of these secrets and then reference them in the serverless.yml file as shown below:

    vendorId: ${env:AMAZON_VENDOR_ID}
    clientId: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_ID}
    clientSecret: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_SECRET}
    localServerPort: 9000

Note: If you change the port number from the default 3000, then make sure to add an attribute of localServerPort to the custom block in the serverless.yml file, as shown above.

Authenticating with Amazon

$ sls alexa auth

This will open the login page in your browser and redirect you to localhost:9000 after authenticating. If the authentication is successful, you’ll see the message: “Thank you for using Serverless Alexa Skills Plugin!!”. The authentication call returns a security token that is used in subsequent calls made by the plugin.

Note: If you get an error in any of the commands, please execute the sls alexa auth command again. This is because the security token expires in 1 hour.

Create an Alexa Skill

With the setup done, we can now go ahead and create an Alexa skill.

$ sls alexa create --name $YOUR_SKILL_NAME --locale $YOUR_SKILL_LOCALE --type $YOUR_SKILL_TYPE


  • name: Name of the skill
  • locale: Locale of the skill (en-US for English)
  • type: Type of the skill (custom or smartHome or video)

In our case, to create a new Alexa skill, run:

$ sls alexa create --name MeetupEvents --locale en-US --type custom

Serverless: [Skill ID] amzn1.ask.skill.xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note: The Skill ID for the newly created skill is printed out.

Skill Manifest

Under the hood, the plugin uses the Create Skill API to create a skill, which in turn returns a manifest.

The manifest can be viewed by running:

$ sls alexa manifests

[Skill ID] amzn1.ask.skill.xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
[Stage] development
[Skill Manifest]
        name: MeetupEvents
    custom: {}
  manifestVersion: '1.0'

Note: If you have other skills present, the information about those skills will be shown as well.

Add Skill Configuration

In your serverless.yml file, add a new skills block and paste the Skill ID and the manifest section into it, as shown below:

    vendorId: ${env:AMAZON_VENDOR_ID}
    clientId: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_ID}
    clientSecret: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_SECRET}
    localServerPort: 9000
      - id: amzn1.ask.skill.xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx
                name: MeetupEvents
            custom: {}              
          manifestVersion: '1.0'

For details, check out the full specs for the manifest specs.

With the new information added, let’s update the skill by running:

$ sls alexa update

Note: You can use the option --dryRun to simulate what the command will do instead of actually doing anything.

Build the Interaction Model

Next up, let’s look at building the Interaction model for our skill. Our skill has a custom intent with a few samples as described by the intents section. We will also include a few standard Amazon intents namely, Help, Cancel and Stop.

Let’s add the interaction model for our skill in the serverless.yml file, as shown below:

                invocationName: meetup events
                  - name: MeetupIntent
                    - 'my events'
                    - 'my meetup events'
                    - 'anything interesting in my meetup'
                    - 'give me all my meetup events'
                  - name: AMAZON.HelpIntent
                    samples: []
                  - name: AMAZON.CancelIntent
                    samples: []
                  - name: AMAZON.StopIntent
                    samples: []

Note: For details, check out the Interaction Model Operations API and the interaction model schema.

Let’s update the skill again by running:

$ sls alexa update

So now we have the configuration and the interaction model for the skill updated and ready to go.

But, wait, we don’t have any code backing up our skill. Let’s do that next.

Lambda functions for the intents

Before we go any further, we need to write our Lambda function handlers for our skill intents in the index.js file.

You can find the code for the lambda function meetupHandler here.

Once we are done with that we need to reference those Lambda functions in the serverless.yml file as shown below:

    handler: index.meetupHandler
      - alexaSkill: amzn1.ask.skill.xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx

Note: In this case, the Lambda functions are in the index.js file and the exported function is called meetupHandler.

Now, let’s deploy our Alexa Meetup skill app.

Deploy the Lambda functions

The deploy command will zip up the code, and upload it to AWS. Then, it will map the function handler and give us an endpoint (ARN).

$ cd sls-meetup-alexa-skill 
$ sls deploy

Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress...
Serverless: Stack create finished...
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...
Serverless: Uploading service .zip file to S3 (1.7 MB)...
Serverless: Validating template...
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: sls-meetup-alexa-skill
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: sls-meetup-alexa-skill-dev
api keys:
  meetupHandler: sls-meetup-alexa-skill-dev-meetupHandler

That was easy!!! No clicking through AWS console screens to deploy your Lambda functions.

Now, we need to get ARN for the Lambda function we just deployed. Go to the AWS Lambda service and search for the Lambda function sls-meetup-alexa-skill-dev-meetupHandler. On the top-right corner of the screen, you will see the ARN.

Grab the ARN and add it to the manifest section of the serverless.yml file, as shown below:

                uri: arn:aws:lambda:<AWS Region>:<AWS Account ID>:function:sls-meetup-alexa-skill-dev-meetupHandler

Note: Replace the <AWS Region> and <AWS Account ID> with real values for your AWS account.

We made a lot updates to the serverless.yml file. Here is how it looks at the end:

service: sls-meetup-alexa-skill

  - serverless-alexa-skills

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10
  stage: dev
  region: us-east-1

    vendorId: ${env:AMAZON_VENDOR_ID}
    clientId: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_ID}
    clientSecret: ${env:AMAZON_CLIENT_SECRET}
    localServerPort: 9000
      - id: <YOUR_SKILL_ID_HERE>
                name: MeetupEvents
                uri: <YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN_HERE>
          manifestVersion: '1.0'
                invocationName: meetup events
                  - name: MeetupIntent
                    - 'my events'
                    - 'my meetup events'
                    - 'anything interesting in my meetup'
                    - 'give me all my meetup events'
                  - name: AMAZON.HelpIntent
                    samples: []
                  - name: AMAZON.CancelIntent
                    samples: []
                  - name: AMAZON.StopIntent
                    samples: []

    handler: index.meetupHandler
      - alexaSkill: <YOUR_SKILL_ID_HERE>

Build the Skill

We will update the skill again by running:

$ sls alexa update

And, , we will build the Alexa skill.

$ sls alexa build

Note: You can use the option --dryRun to simulate what the command will do intsead of actually doing it.

View the Interaction Model

Now that the skill has been built, we can see the interaction model, as follows:

$ sls alexa models

[Skill ID] amzn1.ask.skill.xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Locale] en-US
[Interaction Model]
    invocationName: meetup events
      - name: MeetupIntent
          - my events
          - tmy meetup events
          - anything interesting in my meetup
          - give me all my meetup events
      - name: AMAZON.HelpIntent
        samples: []
      - name: AMAZON.CancelIntent
        samples: []
      - name: AMAZON.StopIntent
        samples: []

Preview the Skill

Let’s see what we have achieved so far. We have created an Alexa skill named MeetupEvents. Let’s preview the skill we created on the Alexa Developer Console.


After the skill is built, we can see the Intents populated:


And, the MeetupIntent utterances are populated as well:


Test the Skill

First enable testing for the skill. We will be using the Alexa Simulator to test our skill.

We start by typing meetup events, and we hear the welcome response.

Then, we type in my events, and we hear the list of events.


And, we have a working Alexa Skill that speaks out the latest meetup events.

Logs and Cleanup

If can debug your skill Lambda functions by looking at the logs right from the terminal. And, then you can also cleanup everything after you are done.


You can view the AWS CloudWatch logs from the terminal by running:

$ sls logs -f meetupHandler


You can delete the Alexa skill, by:

$ sls alexa delete --id <skill_id>

and, you can also cleanup the Lambda functions deploys to AWS, by:

$ sls remove


We started out to build an Alexa skill using serverless. We looked at creating a serverless project for the skill, created the Alexa skill, added an interaction model with intents, and added a lambda function to implement our skill for retrieving meetup events. Then we built and deployed the skill. Last but not least, we previewed and tested the skill using the Alexa Developer Console.

You can access to the full code on my Github repo.

To learn more about building Alexa Skills visit the learn section on the Amazon Alexa site.

If you build something cool, or you have any questions or feedback, please let me know in the comments below.

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